Bess & Tim
November 15, 2025
Please join Bess & Tim at the Fart Factory
Vineyard in Escondido
Don’t wear ugly shit
Bess’s Story
Bess came to San Diego from Texas in 2020 & has two kiddos (Sophia & Isaak), two dumb dogs (Rocky & Daisy) & now a fish (Greta). Bess has a busy life with her kiddos and two businesses, a Home Staging Company & an event planning company. But as busy as Bess is, something very big was missing in her very busy life.
Tim’s Story
A native New Yorker, Tim came as a young chap to San Diego. Tim has three kiddos (Daniel, Kaiya, & Karina). Hard at work in construction, remodeling, and design, Tim’s passion lies in voice acting. An avid disc golfer and goof extraordinaire, something was also missing in Tim’s world & something was brewing that made Tim seek out love.
Our Relationship
Tim & Bess met on Match in the fall of 2022. Their start was slow, sweet, & playful, but they had yet to meet. The day Tim & Bess met would change both their lives forever. The two begged for more time together and their bond would grow. The blending of two families would carefully take time and during that time their bond grew stronger and richer.
November 13-16
Welcome Dinner
Restaurant du Mé Liké
123 Rue de Démo
12345 La ville de New York
+33 06 06 06 06 06
Welcome Dinner
November 14
Mehndi Painting
La Fille
123 Rue de Démo
12345 La ville de New York
+33 06 06 06 06 06
Dinner Party
Le Chat
123 Rue de Démo
12345 La ville de New York
+33 06 06 06 06 06
Wedding Day
November 15
Villa Lait
123 Rue de Démo
12345 La ville de New York
+33 06 06 06 06 06
Hôtel Fromage
123 Rue de Démo
12345 La ville de New York
+33 06 06 06 06 06